The main interactions I could think of when confronted with this assignment was: Buying food at the cafe, Hanging out and learning skills at the stations. After much thinking I realized that a big problem that the academy will face will be monitoring the amount of people in a given space. In small rooms it may be an easy task, however for some of the stations and the cafeteria, it might be a little bit more difficult.

I wanted to design an interface that showed students and faculty the amount of people in a room, the capacity of a given space and when its full, how many people need to leave before an entry can be made.

The idea is for this to be as unobtrusive as possible to the students as possible. I did not want the interface to force or put anyone out of their comfort zone in such a hard time. Rather, my interface will monitor and display the amount of people in a room while displaying it on a monitor at the entrance. I wanted the interface to be as intuitive as possible. I did this by using Green and Red to communicate whether they can enter or not. This will make a room’s status very clear from a distance. The DIN typeface is also being used to be as attention grabbing as possible.

This interface stands to help staff and the student body of WDKA follow the social distancing regulations set by the city in a neutral and non intrusive way.